public class FactorialExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num = 6; // The number for which factorial is calculated
int fact = factorial(num); // Call the factorial function and store the result in 'fact'
System.out.println(fact); // Print the factorial result
// Recursive function to calculate factorial
static int factorial(int num) {
// Base case: If num is 1 or less, factorial is 1
if (num <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
// Recursive case: Multiply num with the factorial of num-1
return (num * factorial(num - 1));
- The main method is the entry point of the program. It initializes the num variable to 6 and then calls the factorial function with this value.
- The factorial function is a recursive function that calculates the factorial of the input num. In the factorial function, the base case is when num is 1 or less.
- In this case, the function returns 1, as the factorial of 1 is 1. In the recursive case, the function multiplies num with the result of the factorial function called with num - 1.
- This recursive call breaks down the problem into smaller subproblems until it reaches the base case.
- The result of the recursive call is eventually multiplied with the original num, effectively calculating the factorial. The main method then prints the calculated factorial using System.out.println.
When you run this code, it will output:
img = imread("your_image.jpg");
ReplyDelete// Convert to grayscale (if RGB)
if size(img, 3) == 3 then
img = 0.299*img(:,:,1) + 0.587*img(:,:,2) + 0.114*img(:,:,3);
// Convert image to double for processing
img = double(img);
// Compute the 2D DFT using fft2
dft_img = fft2(img);
// Compute magnitude and phase
magnitude = abs(dft_img);
phase = atan(imag(dft_img), real(dft_img));
// Log transform for better visualization of magnitude spectrum
log_magnitude = log(1 + magnitude);
// Display original image
imshow(img, []);
title("Original Image");
// Display magnitude spectrum
imshow(log_magnitude, []);
title("Magnitude Spectrum");
// Display phase spectrum
imshow(phase, []);
title("Phase Spectrum");